Please renew your membership by the 31st of January 2023. Thank you
You may or may not be aware that we experienced a computer hardware issue which resulted in us having a new till system.
The new system does not recognise your old swipe cards, a new database has been made of all members who have paid their membership fees this year. These members have been issued with new swipe cards to use when purchasing drinks/snacks at the bar thus giving them a discounted price.
If you have not collected your new swipe card they are available on the bar.
If you have not paid your membership fees this year I would urge you to pay your fees now so that you can be added to the new database. As this is an unusual situation the Management Committee have agreed to waive the previous years membership fees if you haven’t paid during Covid. Just pop in with your blue/red membership book and your existing swipe card to be added to the new database and issued with a new swipe card, this years fees are £7 for OAP/Juniors and £12 for all those inbetween the age of 18 and 65
The club relies on its members and would like to thank you for your continued support.